Rod and Olin Stephens’ fastest recorded speed on Dorade in the 1931 Transatlantic Race was11.4 knots, set when their father, Rod Stephens, Sr., was driving. In the 2013 Transpacific Yacht Race, Ben Galloway set what we think was the all-time speed record aboard Dorade of 15.9 knots (unless one of our followers knows better — please let us know when and where that was topped!).
In the 2015 Transatlantic Race, navigator Shaun Pammenter reports that the crew is already smashing every speed and distance record for Dorade.
So far the top drivers are:
Ben “Hollywood” Galloway:
Boat Speed: 17.1 knots* (Honorable Mention)
Sail Plan: A4, all the trimmings, no reefs for me thanks
Wind Speed: 22-26 knots
Terry “Lets Just Keep This Boat In One Piece” Halpin:
Boat Speed: 18.7* knots
Sail Plan: J4, one reef and full mizzen
Wind Speed: 24-32 knots
*Speed Over Water