Heritage Auctions, of Dallas, Texas have announced on there Facebook page that “Mark Prendergast, Heritage’s Director of Trusts & Estates, was in Kemah, TX today (July 29th posting) having pictures taken of JFK’s sailboat “Flash II” from the 1930’s.” “The well documented sailboat, in which JFK won a number of racing trophies, is coming up for auction this Fall along with a large collection of Kennedy memorabilia as part of Heritage’s Political and Americana auctions.”
More information regarding this auction will be made available, according to the company, on October 20th. Visit HA.com, at that time, for further details. Make sure you conduct thorough due-diligence when purchasing.
FLASH II: (1934-1944) – Was purchased from original owner H.B. Atkin, of Manhasset Bay Yacht Club, in 1934 by Joseph P. and John F Kennedy, sold in 1944, after Joseph was killed during WW II, to to a sailor from Maine.
Year Built: 1930 | Sail Number: *721 | Hull Number: Unknown
Known Race History:
1936 – Won the Nantucket Sound Star Class Championship Cup
1936 – Won Atlantic Coast Championships
1938 – MacMillan Cup Annapolis, Maryland
Current Location: Kemah, TX | Restored: 1997 | Seized: 2004 – U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
* The Kennedy Library notes that “FLASH II” is boat No. 902 and built in 1930